There are many people who care less about us. There are many people who have said something bad against us which led to our downfall. There are times we’ll need someone to share our sad times with but eventually we have no one with us.

There are days I wept and cried because no one felt my feelings. No one cared. Then, I discovered that I’m responsible for my happiness. I need to change the way I think and start to depend on God rather men. 

I decided that I’ll help people and encourage them. I wanted to change my world. Then, I decided to reach out to people and touch lives. I knew there are many people in my state who need help. It’s not necessarily money, our words can actually change the world. Then, I created a Facebook page named IMPACT WORDS. You can like and follow the page through this link or follow my Facebook

So, why are we in this world?

We are not here for pleasure alone. We are here to touch lives and give hope to the hopeless. We are here to reach out to people and make impact in their live.

We are here to give joy and not sorrow. We are here to strengthen and not weaken.

We are are here to love and not hate.

We are in this world to change our world.

Let your words heal people and not kill them. Go out and change your world by speaking positive to someone who’s negative. Your words can change your world.

For us to change our world, we need to change our words“.

            O. Timmy Paul.

8 thoughts on “IMPACT WORDS

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    1. Exactly my bro.
      Our tongue has so much power. Although we see it as a very small part but it has greater power. And speaking life is what we are meant to do like you’ve said.
      Thanks for reading the blog.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thanks so much Adrianna. I actually did that picture by myself on my phone. Lol! Didn’t know it’ll work out that well.

    Thanks for yesterday too……
    You’re a blessing


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